Recipes Yayınlanma: 20 August 2023 - 15:31 Baked Salmon in Foil with Asparagus and Garlic Lemon Butter Sauce Baked Salmon in Foil with Asparagus and Garlic Lemon Butter Sauce Recipes 20 August 2023 - 15:31 Comments Print A Maximize A Minimize Comments Ingredients:°4 salmon fillets, skinless°1 pound (454 grams) asparagus tips°1/3 cup (75 grams) melted butter°1/3 cup (125 ml) lemon juice°4 minced garlic cloves°2 teaspoons (10ml) chopped fresh parsley°Salt and pepper°2/3 cup (65 grams) grated fresh parmesan cheese°Parsley and lemon wedges to garnish COMMENTS Reply this user x Send These news may also interest you FEW PEOPLE KNOW THIS SECRET! JUST BOMB ???? COOK IN 10 MINUTES! The easiest cookie recipe ever! In 10 minutes! It's tastier than in the store! Chicken and Biscuits Casserole You will make this dessert EVERY DAY! It only takes 10 minutes! incredibly delicious Last News YELLOW WOOL CROCHET SUNFLOWER WITH PLANTER ???? IDEA #CROCHET #SUNFLOWER... CROCHET BAG MODEL DESIGN IDEAS COLOR COMBINATION #YELLOW PURPLE WOOL #CROCHET... Crochet Amazing Butterfly Cute Animal Crochet With Wool This Crochet Pattern is So Stylish and Easy /Blouse, Tunic, Runner Tutorial... Recent Comments Very beautiful stylish Hand-knitted Crochet caplet designs ideas very nice supla knitting pattern crochet shawl MAKING AMIGURUMI WALLET DOLL MAKING AMIGURUMI WALLET DOLL