How to Knit Wavy Spikes Pattern Sweater

If you're looking for a challenging knitting project, the wavy spikes pattern sweater is the perfect choice.

How to Knit Wavy Spikes Pattern Sweater

The intricate pattern creates a wavy, textured look that's perfect for a cozy sweater. Here's how you can knit your own wavy spikes pattern sweater.

Materials You'll Need

Yarn (worsted weight)

Knitting needles (size 7 or as required by the yarn label)

Stitch markers

Tapestry needle


Step 1: Gauge Swatch

Before starting your sweater, it's important to knit a gauge swatch. This helps ensure that your sweater will fit properly. Knit a swatch in the wavy spikes pattern stitch and measure it to ensure that your gauge matches the pattern's gauge.

Step 2: Cast On Stitches

Cast on the number of stitches required for the size you want to make. Make sure to cast on an even number of stitches, as the pattern stitch requires an even number of stitches.

Step 3: Knit the Ribbing

Knit a few rows of ribbing for the bottom edge of the sweater. You can choose any ribbing pattern you prefer, such as a k2, p2 ribbing or a k1, p1 ribbing.

Step 4: Start the Wavy Spikes Pattern

Start the wavy spikes pattern by knitting the following row: Row 1 (Right Side): K1, *k2, p2, k2, p2, k5; repeat from * to last 5 stitches, k2, p2, k2, p2, k1. Continue the pattern by following the instructions for each row.

Step 5: Knit the Body of the Sweater

Continue knitting the wavy spikes pattern until the sweater reaches your desired length. You can make it shorter or longer depending on your preference.

Step 6: Shape the Shoulders

When the body of the sweater is the desired length, shape the shoulders. Bind off the center stitches and continue knitting each side of the sweater separately. Decrease stitches at the beginning and end of each row until you reach the shoulder seam.

Step 7: Knit the Sleeves

Pick up stitches around the armhole and knit the sleeves in the wavy spikes pattern stitch. Decrease stitches at the beginning and end of each row until you reach the cuff.

Step 8: Finish the Sweater

Sew the shoulder seams together and weave in any loose ends. Finally, add the sleeves to the sweater by sewing them to the armholes. And you're done! You've now knitted your own wavy spikes pattern sweater.


Knitting a wavy spikes pattern sweater may seem like a daunting task, but with patience and practice, you can create a stunning sweater that will keep you cozy and stylish. Use this tutorial as a guide and let your creativity run wild as you knit your very own wavy spikes pattern sweater.